Category: Filmmaking

Which Film School Should You Go To?

If you’re like me, you’re a little crazy about movies. Your friends know you as that person who can’t stop talking about them. Quoting them. Pondering them. You watch some films over and over again.

iPhone 4K | Moment Anamorphic | Avid Media Composer

Shooting 4K with a 2.36:1 aspect ratio on your iPhone with the Moment Anamorphic lens? This step by step guide shows you how to correctly transfer footage and edit with Avid Media Composer!

Are Short Films Worth It?

I used to think short films were a waste of time. Feature-length IMDb credits was the ticket. But after writing and directing Rose and the Outlaw, I realized my view wasn’t quite inaccurate.

Story Structure

Did you know that every film you’ve ever loved follows story structure? From Die Hard to Jurassic Park, and everything in between.

How to Map Keys in Avid Media Composer

Any editor worth his salt uses the keyboard like a maniac when editing in Avid Media Composer. Clicking buttons and choosing menu items will blow so much time that your creativity will be crushed as you sweat to make deadlines. Learn how to map commands like Match Frame and Find Bin to save tons of time!

What’s Hollywood Like (Part 2)

Welcome to Part 2 of the What is Hollywood Like series! Here I want to give you a snapshot of my ongoing experience in the entertainment industry. It’s both AMAZING and at times a bit of a sweatshop, with not a lot in between.

What’s Hollywood Like? (Part 1)

Thinking about moving to Hollywood? I’ve lived from the valley to oceanside. Read my post to get an idea of the lay of the land. My favorite place to live? Santa Monica by far.